I had this product in my cart for three months before I finally decided I deserved to have a fancy mask. It took about 2 days to arrive and when I got the delivery notification, I couldn’t wait to go home and try it. I was so excited, in fact, that when I walked in the door the first thing I said to my S.O. was “did my Suzie package arrive?” Turns out my excitement was totally warranted. The texture was not what I expected, like a sticky gel, but it was very soothing once applied. It dries down to a hard finish - almost exactly like the Hanacure or Zombie masks. However, unlike those, it never became uncomfortable or itchy. Instead, it stayed very soothing and didn’t leave my skin red or dry after rinsing off. I also used the microdermabrasion cream before the mask and after using both, my skin looked downright glossy. I’m talkin’ 100% glass skin here y’all. I had also used the Mediterranean mud mask on a few small pimples and the next morning, they were gone. At this point I am convinced their products are made in a potions class at Hogwarts because they are straight up magic and wizardry. I will definitely be purchasing more items from their line.