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    News — kNutek

    Big Changes For kNutek MD

    Big changes for kNutek Skin Care

    UPDATE 10/31/2018:

    After having several meetings with kNutek we will be caring their products again, Currently they are only producing the 6 products below.   We will be having them create and produce these products under our brand so we can keep the name of the product the same as it has been for the last 20+ years.  We will always keep the prices as low as we can and of course have our discount and rewards. It will be taking us several weeks to get back up to speed.


    Since the passing of kNutek founder Jim Larsen the new management has decided to take kNutek in a new direction.  This includes the following changes;

    New Name:   LIV by  kNutek

    New product names & Prices

    (We have not received a complete list yet)

    Old Name                           New Name               Old Price                New Price

    A-Ro Balsam                       Edel Drape                  1oz $39                  2oz $85

    100% Oxygen Plasma         Elsket                          1oz $99                  2oz $199

    Omega Peel                        Ny                               2oz $38.95             2oz $85

    Whipped Oxygen Cream    Luft                             4oz $38.95             4oz $79  2oz $45.00

    Photoshopped                   Du                               1oz  $32.95             2oz $99

    Micodermabrasion            Glatt                             2oz  $38.95            $49.00

    Price Increase Sept 1 2018

    Update 09/03/2018:   The above 6 products are the only products LIV by kNutek will be producing at this time.


    This is an incomplete list as we get more information we will update this list.

    We are still evaluating these changes as to the impact is has on our business model as to if we will be able to move forward with LIV Products.

    As you see the retail prices for some item only increases a little but as for others i.e. Whipped Oxygen Cream This has a dramatic price increase , This is due to the fact that kNutek had been private labeling this product for us so we were able to keep the cost down last time they raised their prices, They are no longer private labeling.

    But one of the biggest changes is in our wholesale cost, This has gone up so much that if we do continue selling these product they would have to be excluded from our Online discounts, promotions and rewards.

    At this time we do not have any more information, The only price list they are sending are for the product above. Are they discontinuing the rest? We do not know

    Please direct your questions to  kNutek (888) 411-4242

    We would love to hear your feedback  (Be Nice) you can contact us here

    This is very disappointing for us here at Skin Care By Suzie, We have always appreciated our close working relationship with kNutek for over 20 years

    Thank you for your understanding

    Suzie & Scott

    Skin Care By Suzie

    Photo Shopped Cream Instant Wrinkle Reducer

    Photo Shopped Cream Instant Wrinkle Reducer - Skin Care By Suzie

                Are you suffering from skin wrinkles, even at a young age? Are you in your early thirties, but look like someone who is fifty, no thanks to those folds of skin on your face?
    Get rid of those unsightly wrinkles right now with this innovative cream that has been specially formulated with you in mind.
    You see, a lot of people – both men and women – go through life without much pleasure as a result of one skin blemish or the other. Wrinkled skin is usually a sign of aging, but it’s somehow surprising to observe that young people are plagued with this problem.
    But not anymore.
    Photo Shopped Cream Instant Wrinkle Reducer.
    This new and creative product is a Miraculous Lifting Cream with Oxygen Plasma and MSM that helps to get rid of wrinkles in a few short days.
    Photo Shopped Cream Instant Wrinkle Reducer is composed of anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory as well as skin restoring properties, fully packaged in one cutting edge eye cream!
    The Photo Shopped Instant Wrinkle Reducer, when applied to the affected areas around your eyes, literally allows you to feed your skin with increased collagen and elastin formation.
    Apply the Photo Shopped Instant Wrinkle Reducer cream around your eyes and on wrinkles as directed. For faster results, use Omega Peel at least once a week. The wrinkles will be gone in a few short days, and your face will look so clean and fresh, you will appear as if you were naturally Photoshopped!
    The Photo Shopped Instant Wrinkle Reducer contains non-toxic and environmentally friendly ingredients such as glycerin, jojoba oil, Black Seed oil, vitamin E acetate, etc.
    It has been dermatologically tested and declared to be safe for use after meeting all the requirements.
    Get the Photo Shopped Instant Wrinkle Reducer cream today, and start your journey to a wrinkle-free lifestyle.

    For complete information and ordering a trial please visit:


    Skin Care By Suzie


    Truths and Myths in Skin Care

    Truths and Myths in Skin Care …
    This article is written by Jim Knut Larsson, President and Founder of Knutek.
    I have found through the many years I have been in the beauty industry that so much of what is claimed are myths if not straight out lies so I have found it necessary to write this article to identify the most obvious truths and myths:
    Fundamental principles that have been proven scientifically:
    If a cream, serum or ingredient is not a nano formulation (less than 800 nano meter particle size) and/or does not have a carrierin them, only trace amount of the actives will penetrate through the skin barrier with minuscule results!
    All of Knutek’s products have been formulated either as nano serums (Knutek is the only skin care manufacturer on the planet that are using nano technology to produce skin care products) and/or with a carrier for maximum penetration and effectiveness!
    As an example, we are using MSM as a carrier to open up the skin barrier.

    The function of MSM. Ref. Harry’s Cosmeticology, the “bible” in cosmetic chemistry:

    “Certain solvents, of which DMSO (MSM) is the most potent, not only penetrate rapidly, but greatly enhance the penetration of substances dissolved in them!”

    In other words, MSM opens the skin barrier and allows for much deeper penetration of other active ingredients.

    MSM (Organic Sulfur, aka the “beauty mineral”) is also an  Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Healing Agent and is responsible to form the flexible link between cells.

    In other words, MSM feeds the formation of collagen and elastin for a reduction in lines and wrinkles.

    Consequently, MSM enhances tissue pliability and encourages the repair of damaged skin. 
    Does moisturizer creams reduce lines and wrinkles?
    Yes or no, by far most skin care companies when they claim a “20%” reduction in lines and wrinkles are referring to the fill-up of pores and plumping up of the skin with moisturizing ingredients. This does not cause any real reduction in lines and wrinkles as they will reappear within 48 hours after you stop using the cream. Hence, most moisturizing creams are not treatments but just temporary cosmetics.

    In order to really reduce lines and wrinkles, the cream must have scientifically proven ingredients that will stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin and be a nano serum and/or to be dissolved in a carrier, see above!
    In order to remove lines and wrinkles you need to challenge the skin like you challenge muscles at the gym. The great breakthrough I had was to create protocols and products that will exercise the skin like you exercise a muscle to cause reduction in lines and wrinkles for a great beautification of the skin. It is called “Dermacycling™”.

    You will cycle the skin through a challenge (“trauma”) phase for 4 weeks and a “Healing and Nourishing” face for 4 weeks and then start the cycle again.

    During the “trauma” phase you would do “MicrodermaPeel” facials using microdermabrasion and Glycolic Acid (8% in creams used daily by client, “Alpha” creams produced by Knutek) to gently remove top layers of skin in order to trigger the healing mechanism for the body and to produce stem cells to grow back new skin during the “Healing and Nourishing” phase.

    This will cause a great beautification of the skin over an eight week cycle!
    Glycolic Acid has been proven to stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin to remove lines and wrinkles, you will find Glycolic Acid and MSM in the Alpha + MSM and in the Alpha-Pep Creams with peptides from Knutek!
    Glycolic Acid is superior to Retinol in skin care, take cod liver oil daily to provide the skin and body with vitamin A!

    Putting dead stem cells on the skin will do absolutely nothing to the skin as it will have no action!
    Plant derived growth factors  are only functional in plants and have no action in skin care!
    Copper was tested in England to have very little action. In fact, researchers found that it would speed up the aging process!
    Putting dead collagen on the skin have no action at all for two reasons: 1. It is dead, 2. the collagen molecule is too big to even penetrate the skin barrier! Collagen is also extracted from animal tissue!
    There is no such thing as “organic” skin care! What is that? “Organic” can only be used for food produce as it means that the produce was grown without pesticides and herbicides.

    The only thing we can talk about in skin care is whether ingredients are derived from plants or not.

    The fact that an ingredient is extracted from a plant does not mean that it is good for the skin. Actually, it could be highly poisonous and damaging to skin! What is important is the ingredient’s benefit to the skin whether it is plant derived or not. (Also see
    Non-surgical facelifts can only be done effectively by using electrical and light stimulation in order to reach deep tissues and to re-educate the underlying muscle. No topical would be able to lift the face, however, a topical may tighten the skin with some result!
    Ultrasound and Radio Frequency machines tighten the skin and remove fat tissue and are not as effective as Microcurrent/LED Light machines to perform non-surgical facelifts. However, they work great together for great results!
    Knutek has some of the best machines on the market to perform these protocols!
    Acid Peels can destroy the sweat glands, sebaceous glands and the melanin on your face. Now, your skin and flesh on your face can no longer get rid of waste that will cause a toxic build up in the lower layers of the skin causing premature aging and bumps.
    Some estheticians at my workshops have been complaining about having “active skin” with bumps underneath the skin they cannot get rid of. I always asks; “have you done acid peels?” the answer is always yes!
    Destruction of melanin as the “machine” in the skin that produces electricity through photosynthesis and provides protection for the skin from burn and, vitamin D that is produced from UVB radiation and cholesterol, causes devastation of the cells and opens the body for cancer and osteoporosis!
    The number one rule in skin care is “Do No Harm”!
    The most common causes of oily and dry skin is the use of formulations designed for oily and dry skin! A formula for dry skin is to add oil to the skin.

    This will shut down the production of sebum as the natural conditioner of the skin.

    So, underneath all that oil the skin becomes drier and drier and vice versa with formulations for oily skin that will remove the oils and stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

    This sets up a vicious cycle for the client where the product they are using is the cause of their problem.

    Sebum also provides the skin with an acid mantel to prevent bacteria to enter into the skin and body. The release of sebum from the glands also helps to clean the pores.
    Knutek’s products are designed to bring the sebaceous glands back into balance and work the way nature intended.
    Exfoliation may be the most important basic step in skin care. Exfoliation prunes the skin like pruning a plant and allow all the nourishment to go to the new skin cells and it speeds up the skin renewal process.

    How can you put a cream or serum on the face without doing the exfoliation?

    Without the exfoliation, the cream will slow down the skin renewal process and cause premature aging to the skin.
    Knutek has the Omega Peel, an incredible product that does exfoliation and extraction in one step and it makes the skin Brighter, Smoother and Silkier in 90 seconds!
    Oxygen and ATP are the ingredients that combine in the “Krebs” cycle into the mitochondria to provide the energy to the cell and, in turn, to the body!

    Knutek is the only company in the world with the nano serum Oxygen Plasma that delivers oxygen to the cells.

    Microcurrent increases the ATP in the cells with more than 500%. This combination has a huge impact in reducing the age of the body and skin as more energy is released into the cells and the body!
    The SPF factor was introduced by Hawaiian Tropics in the sixties as a way for tourists coming to Hawaii to know that they could be out in the Sun for 30 minutes (SPF 30) around noon without getting a burn!

    The SPF factor only tells you how effective the cream is to prevent UVB radiation to hit the skin. However, UVB radiation does not give you lines and wrinkles.

    UVA radiation is what gives you lines and wrinkles, so there is no relationship to the SPF factor with regards to preventing lines and wrinkles!

    What you need is protection from UVA which also penetrates through windows and cloud cover.
    Knutek introduced UVAPRO to protect the skin from UVA but to allow UVB as UVB is needed for the formation of vitamin D and to stimulate the melanin to produce electricity!
    Science has now proven that 30 minutes of UVB (Burning) sun exposure per day is essential to vaccinate the skin against skin cancer and to avoid softening of bone tissue (osteoporosis) due to Vitamin D deficiency.
    “Rickets Disease”, “Osteoporosis”, “Multiple Sclerosis” and certain forms of Cancers can be caused by lack of sun exposure (UVB radiation) and the resulting lack of vitamin D from the daily usage of traditional “Sun Blocks”!

    For all of kNutek products please visit Here:

    MSM & Skin Care

    MSM & Skin Care In the past decade, a small group of highly beneficial “superfoods” have become popular not only for their long lasting health benefits, but for the skin benefits they provide as well. Foods such as cabbage and broccoli are two well-known superfoods that have been shown to soften skin while also keeping […]

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