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    Solutions for Thinning Eyebrows

    Solutions for Thinning Eyebrows

    Historically speaking, hair loss has typically been more of an issue for men than women; over 50% of men experience alopecia (hair loss or balding) at some point in their lives, however what most people misunderstand is that women also experience high rates of hair loss, with over 40% of forty year old women and older stating that they have hair loss either on their head or on other parts of their body. One place in particular where hair loss is primarily an issue for women are the eyebrows, as many women will experience thinning eyebrows at some point in their lives. However, due to advancements in beauty technology, there are now three main solutions to thinning eyebrows:

    1. Permanent Makeup Fill-Ins

    With new innovations in permanent makeup technology, it is now possible to receive a cosmetic tattoo over thinning eyebrows to give them the appearance of being fuller while still looking natural. These cosmetic tattoos are done with a special kind of tattoo needle and anesthetic which make the process relatively pain free, and within two to three weeks, the patient’s new eyebrows will be permanently healed and looking natural again.

    This solution is ideal for those who are accustomed to filling in the their brows regularly with makeup, but who would like a more permanent solution to the problem. Cosmetic tattoo artists are highly trained at performing these types of tattoos, and can be trusted to deliver a good experience.

    1. Brow Building Fibers

    If you are looking for an even more natural looking solution to thinning eyebrows, you may want to consider Skin Care By Suzie’s unique Brow Building Fibers set, which effectively allows you to build and shape your own eyebrows. When your brows begin to thin, this product very efficiently allows you to give your eyebrows a fuller, thicker appearance. Skin Care By Suzie’s brow building fiber set comes as a 3-piece kit which includes brow wax, brow building fibers, and a dual-ended brush. The fibers themselves work by attaching to the brows, thereby filling in empty patches of the eyebrow. The wax is then used to easily shape the brow fibers to look as full and natural as possible. Skin Care By Suzie’s brow building fibers are essentially mascara for your eyebrows, with easily and effectively reduce the appearance of thinning brows.

    1. Universal Brow Definer

    Also available from Skin Care By Suzie, a revolutionary new eyebrow pen now allows you to use this neutral colored formula to match the color of your hair follicles exactly. How? By reading the pH of your hair follicle, this brow definer will work like a chameleon to match the color of your brows. By doing this, it is much easier to use this pencil to fill in brows, as there is no worry that it may not match your brow color right. Skincare by Suzie’s Universal Brow Definer has been recommended by the American Journal of Esthetic Medicine, with them stating that it is the best visual replacement for thinning brows.

    Thinning eyebrows may be frustrating, but they don’t have to get the best of you. Simple solutions like the one’s available from Skincare by Suzie are all you need to transform your eyebrows from thinning to lush and full once again.

    Written by Suzie Burnham of

    Suzie Burnham professional Esthetician 25 Years Certified member of Society Of Permanent Cosmetics . Providing in Spa treatments as well as online recommendations for skin care problems and needs

    Menopause: Navigating an Important Rite of Passage

    When many women turn 45 or older, they may begin to notice physical and emotional changes as they begin to navigate what is referred to as perimenopause, a period up to 10 years before actual menopause. Some women may begin to experience hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, insomnia, and anxiety. While some women seem to sail through the transition from perimenopause to menopause (the absence of periods for 12 consecutive months), others find it to be a very tumultuous time. Many women find that despite a good exercise regime and good diet, that they tend to gain at least 10 pounds or more over a period of time.

    Hormonal changes can also wreak havoc on one’s skin. Loss of estrogen can cause dry skin and a loss of elasticity in some. Self-esteem can be adversely affected as women try to assimilate all of the changes that seem to suddenly occur. While there is still great controversy over HRT (hormone replacement therapy), many women have turned to bio-identical hormones (synthesized in a lab but produced from natural soy or yam) to alleviate or eliminate symptoms. These hormones can be found over the counter or can be prescribed by a physician for prescription strength. While many women continue to take the synthetic hormone, Premarin, the trend seems to be towards taking more natural substances. While some physicians believe that bio-identical hormones are perfectly safe, there is still controversy regarding this issue. It is up to each woman to access the risks and benefits in order that she may make an informed decision.

    Bio-identical hormones can potentially relieve hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia and a whole host of other symptoms. However, they do not come without their own side effects. While many do not realize this, taking estrogen and progesterone in large doses and for long periods of time, can put one at a higher risk for acid reflux and possibly weight gain. While this may not happen to everyone, it can happen to many. Always discuss your options with a competent doctor or health care practitioner.

    Finding ways to relax during this potentially tumultuous time may help to manage symptoms. Exercise is key, particularly weight bearing exercise, as well as eating a healthy and nutritious diet. Support from friends and loved ones can go a long way as well. Meditation can also help with stress.

    Perimenopause, menopause and post menopause can be a challenging time of life. But, it can also become a time of self-empowerment as women come into a new passage with greater wisdom, courage and strength.

    Written by Dr. Teri Dourmashkin of
    Dr. Teri Dourmashkin received her Doctorate in Health Education from Columbia University. She is the Founder & President of La Vie Celeste Skin Care, Inc. a company dedicated to formulating luxurious and non-toxic all natural skin care.

    6 Tips for Taking Care of Your Leather Bags

    You've invested in a stylish leather bag, which you admire and love! As with anything else, time and general elements will want to make their mark and your beloved bag will start the aging process. Certain leather product types just get better with age, but all kinds will give you added years with just a basic level of care.

    There are different kinds of leather and different kinds of finish requiring different kinds of specialist care. If the manufacturer of your bag has given instructions then observe and take heed! A few general everyday caring tactics will help to ensure that your cool leather bag remains in top condition.

    A good leather conditioner applied every couple of months will go a long way to help on day to day maintenance. Like anything else the best form of attack is defence. Try as much as possible to keep your leather handbag away from direct sunlight, rain, dusty and dirty environments. For when this just can't be done, follow these simple hacks. 

    1. If Your Leather Bag Gets Wet

    If you get caught in the rain and your bag gets very wet, dry it carefully in a warm dry area, near to (but not on) a radiator. Direct heat contacting the leather bag can cause it to dry excessively, crack, and go stiff. If it is excessively wet, then it is best to empty it and stuff it with something that will help to maintain the shape.

    2. Waterproofing a Leather Bag

    As much as possible, try to keep your leather bag dry. This is not always possible though, so add a treatment of water barrier cream or oil, which can be purchased from supermarkets or leather specialist outlets. Make sure that the said oil is appropriate for the kind of leather that you are treating. 

    3. For a Natural Vintage Leather Bag that Dried Out Over Time

    If your vintage leather bag dries out after time just with the natural elements, it may start to feel rough. It can also be a result of being artificially dried too many times. To keep your leather bag in its best condition, it is important to exchange the herbal oils which will have been washed away. A natural colored vintage leather bag may just need a drop of vegetable or rapeseed oil depending on manufacturer's guidelines.  

    Other colored and polished bags will require specific leather lotion for the job. Check here and don't make short cuts, it could permanently stain the leather. Whenever using any kind of cream or oil, try it out of sight first, just to be on the safe side.

    4. For the Natural Leather Aroma

    With new leather bags sometimes comes that special aroma.  It’s part of the rich experience associated with buying real leather. When the production process uses natural oils rather than chemicals the aroma can be a little overwhelming for some. If the novelty should wear off before the scent does then here are a few ideas: 

    • A simple freshener such as Febreze. A quick short spray inside the bag, being careful not to soak it. Try a little at first and if after 24hrs you need more, then do it a little at a time.
    • Use baking powder. Leave an open pack of baking powder inside the bag, which will absorb a large amount of the smell. Depending on the kind of bag that you have, a light dusting inside could also go a long way.
    • Leave the bag in an open airy environment. If it's closed then it will just keep absorbing its own smell. If you can leave it outside in fresh air, then this will help very much.
    • Odor eaters for shoes. If it can kick the smell of feet then it can certainly help the leather aroma.

    5. Treating Scratches in Leather

    These can be authenticating marks in natural goat leather. Typically they are light scratches on the surface, and are hallmarks that make your bag unique. This adds to the delightful appeal of distressed and vintage leather. However, if you prefer, these can sometimes be reduced just by rubbing it with your finger. Alternatively, a drop of vegetable oil, sunflower oil, baby oil or rapeseed on cotton wool rubbed over the scratch can reduce its appearance (if you really want to!)

    On polished or treated leather, a scratch can look very much out of place. Products like boot polish, Vaseline, or saddle soap may treat this. When applying any kind of liquid treatment always work in the direction of the grain, otherwise you could leave it badly marked. Any kind of application can alter the appearance of leather so give it a try in an out of sight area first.

    Face cream and balm can also help to remove a scratch. Usually it's just a case of blending the scratch in with the rest of the leather. Check coloring when using any kind of cream, by trying it out in a hidden area.

    6. General Tips

    • Dye from dark clothing can rub off on light colored leather and be very difficult to remove. Careful with the colors!
    • If you have just applied hand cream then let it dry before picking up your leather handbag, otherwise the grease can stain it.
    • Keep you handbag stuffed if you are not going to use it for a while.
    • Try to keep your leather bag free of dust, if it came with a protective cotton bag then use it!  If not, you could try a pillow case.

    Written by Trevor Maurer of
    Loving the business of supplying top quality handmade leather bags at great prices. Looking forward to meeting more of you in the business and developing work.

    Long Tassel Necklaces Create a Casual Yet More Meaningful Look

    The long necklace embellished with tassel becomes the choice of many girls and women to complete their beautiful look. In the morning, noon, or evening, just put on the necklace and the look will improve.

    Indeed, tassel could be a religious statement due to the ornament is mentioned in Hebrew Bible as a way to remember the Lord’s commandment. Tassel is also used as ceremonial wear on graduation. When the tassel in the mortarboard is move from right to the left, it shows the student is officially graduated. However, as people appreciate the beauty of tassel, the ornament is eventually gain popularity as decorative entity. No matter who you are, you can wear tassel and just grasp the beauty without worrying of anything else.

    There are many varieties of long tassel necklaces. It could be long necklace with single tassel or long necklace with multi-tassel. Single tassel looks simple and elegant while multi-tassel looks more glamorous. The tassel could be a traditional tassel made from threads or modern tassel made from other materials including beads, crystal, or metals. The necklace options are also wide-ranging from metal chain to colorful beads necklace. The tassel could be fixed on the necklace or it could be a pendant that you can put it on and off to various types of necklace for different look.

    When it is the time to choose, you need to consider the appearance you want from the necklace. Today’s tassel necklace is beautiful jewelry. Depend on the material used on the tassel and the necklace, as well as the color; tassel necklace could create various looks. However, when the necklace is long, it mostly creates casual look for free-spirited aura. Since the tassel has a sense of tradition, it creates a more meaningful piece. Thus, long tassel necklaces could create a casual yet more meaningful look.

    It makes perfect combination with a casual outfit such as t-shirt, tank top, blouse, shirt, etc. If you want to make it a bit serious look or slightly formal, combine it with blazer. If you want cheerful look, bright color will do. If you want, you can combine tassel necklace with other necklace. However, since long tassel necklaces are showy, the other necklace should be simple and small so the look will not be overstated.

    Written by Budivis of
    Fashion jewellery designer in Bali

    What is the Chrono Diet?

    Chrono diet is a special diet which - in addition to weight loss - is beneficial for anti-aging, improved health and optimal body shaping. Chrono diet is recommended for healthy weight loss, but also to maintain good health and normal body weight. This is achieved in a simple manner. Experiences with chrono nutrition are mostly positive.

    The idea is to follow simple, practical steps, instead of complicated and confusing diet theory. We've been collecting experiences from people who have used the Chrono diet, so we know how exactly everything works.

    Follow these easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner:

    Chrono Breakfasts

    Breakfast is the most important meal in chrono nutrition. You must combine a variety of foods. Eat breakfast no later than one hour after getting up from bed. If you get up really early you can have breakfast later, just reduce the quantity.

    Breakfast in the period from 7 to 11 hours. It is possible to combine carbohydrates, fats and proteins in this mean. Consider these options for breakfast:

    • Eggs, bacon, lettuce (don't combine dairy products and eggs)
    • Cooked grains (barley, oats, rye), nuts, yogurt
    • Sandwiches (whole meal rolls, rye, buckwheat), cheese, dried meat, and salads

    Chrono Lunches

    For lunch the trick is to not combine proteins and carbohydrates, and avoid combining meat and potatoes or meat and bread, as most people normally do. Also avoid fried meat and anything fried in oil. Salads are always recommended.

    With lunch we always recommend a glass of red wine.

    Chrono Dinners

    Dinner should be light, easily digestible meals. Avoid carbohydrates. In order to digest food and get good sleeps, make sure to eat dinner at least two hours before going to bed.

    Generally for dinner we always recommended green vegetables. Try lettuce, swiss chard, broccoli, etc. Green vegetables can be combined with fish or egg whites or cheese. Dinner can also be skipped. Combine vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale and lots of salads.

    Written by hrono ishrana of
    Food and diet

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