Winter Skin Moisturizing
Winter Skin Moisturizing is the need of the day! As Fall breeze down, your body, and skin prepare for the onslaught of cold weather and snow storms. This cold weather can wreak havoc on your skin leaving you with a dry, cracked skin. The moisture that was once there is now long gone and your skin cannot generate new cells to replace what the skin was used to. Now winterizing your skin is the only solution to your problem.
Day Time Winter Skin Moisturizing is as simple as adding an extra hydration serum to what you are using now. 72 Hour Natural Hyaluronic Hydration Serum and Pure Hydration Hyaluronic Serum are great to add because Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a clear substance that is naturally produced by your body. The largest amounts of it are found in your skin. Its main function is to retain water to keep your tissues well lubricated and moist.
Nighttime Winter Skin Moisturizing is not as hard as it sounds. Adding night time moisturizers such as Rich Whipped Oxygen Cream or Crystal Blue Oxygen Cream maybe all you need. If you feel your night time moisturizer is not do enough then you should try an Alpha Hydroxy Night Crème such as Natural Alpha Hydroxy Night Crème by Skin Care By Suzie or LAG Alpha MSM by LIV. The Alpha Hydroxy will help exfoliate the skin as well as moisturize.
As always if you feel your skin care need need a personal recommendation reach out to me any time.